Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ID Project for AHED 735 Gets National Recognition

ID Project for AHED 735 (Instructional Strategies for Adult Education) leads to National Recognition

Carol Grode-Hanks, a doctoral student in the ED.D program, used the principles learned in AHED 735: Instructional Strategies to redesign a student success class.  A major component of the redesign was incorporating engaging activities into the curriculum using the ADDIE model and Gagne’s nine events of instruction. A team of instructors, designers, and admissions and student services representatives worked together throughout the semester developing and pilot testing each lesson.

Reviewing the lessons provided insight as to how well the lesson would be executed. The team analyzed the lesson plan, teaching aids, time allotment, and assessment strategies.  Each part of the lesson was viewed with a microscopic lens to ensure the learning objectives would be met.  Supplemental materials were reviewed and tested to validate their effectiveness.  Lesson delivery was rehearsed for pedagogical success.

In April, 2015, University Business launched a national recognition program designed to honor colleges and universities that have implemented innovative, effective and inter-departmental initiatives that improve student success.  Mitchell Technical Institute’s redesigned student success course is one of ten inaugural honorees. University Business is the most widely received most regularly read publication for higher education leaders at two- and four-year colleges and universities nationwide. The magazine provides cutting-edge coverage of higher education technology, news, finance, policy, profiles and more to this exclusive audience across print, digital and events.

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